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🚗 In 2023, OCTÉ Lift chose E 85 fuel for its entire automobile fleet.

🌱 This choice is part of a strategy to control environmental impacts.

Indeed, the use of biofuels responds to five essential challenges (source: ecology.gouv.fr):

♻️ Reduce greenhouse gas emissions

⏳ Anticipate the depletion of global oil reserves

🔋 Reduce oil energy dependence

🌐 Create a waste recovery sector

🌿 The use of E85 fuel significantly reduces polluting emissions linked to our travels.

According to the ADEME simulator, a vehicle (SUV type) which travels 30,000 km/year emits:

📉 10 Tons of CO2 with gasoline (E5) (consumption 7l/100 km)

📉 9.9 Tons of CO2 with diesel (consumption 6l/100 km)

📉 8.5 Tons of CO2 with Bio-ethanol (E85) (consumption 8l/100 km)

🌍 Compared to SP95 gasoline, E85 fuel emits 90% less fine particles and 30% less nitrogen oxides.

💡👏 Proud of this step, OCTÉ continues to invest to control its impact on the Environment.

E85 Journée environnement OCTÉ