Global culture
OCTÉ’s investment strategy casts off the notion of borders, in search of partnerships with companies that share its values. Throughout its history, OCTÉ has successfully incorporated companies whilst showing respect for their specific national cultures. Furthermore, OCTÉ’s export trade demonstrates its commitment to the standards and linguistic needs of customers, no matter which country they are in.

Respect for others
Human values and competence transcend borders. OCTÉ has always welcomed individuals from different backgrounds and unique career paths, recruiting from diverse sources. We believe in combining skills towards our goal of forging collective successes. At OCTÉ, new employees receive a warm and open welcome into the family.
“Made in France” innovation
For several decades now, OCTÉ has proudly invested in innovation on French soil. Our electronic, electrical and mechanical engineers are developing solutions to promote our French know-how and expertise in the lift engineering sector.
For OCTÉ, innovation means designing products that are reliable, compliant and which add value for users.

Means getting right to the point. Evolving our processes to keep on improving.
At OCTÉ, our organisation relies on common sense to deliver the best service to our customers.
Means being humble and approachable. Remaining true to ourselves whilst respecting others.
At OCTÉ, we believe in sincere and positive relationships with our suppliers, customers and partners.

Means always pushing forward to achieve our goals. Staying motivated regardless of the situation.
At OCTÉ, we are always looking for solutions to ensure customer satisfaction.
Means moving forward as one in a positive ethos and with kindness. Encouraging and motivating through team spirit.
At OCTÉ, we promote diversity and teamwork. Everyone can play their part.